EXTRA! EXTRA! Slab City Riot 3 Cancelled

During yesterday's pre-run of the Slab City venue, city officials in the area strongly advised cancelling the event. Failure to do so, we were told, might result in significant headaches from local law enforcement. To avoid such grief, Slab City Riot 3 is cancelled.  Damn the man!
The Wuss Ride is still pulling out of Temecula, CA, at 11:00 am Friday, and will end at a new undisclosed location for desert riding and camping.
If you want to go riding and camping with friends, please visit the Wuss Ride blog for more information.
Be forewarned: What the Wusses are doing Friday is NOT an official ANYTHING. This means bring your own food, bring your own booze, bring your own everything.

[via Chop Cult]
