Deus Slidetober Fest 2014

It's official, the Deus Bali crew has more fun than you. After watching the video (below) of their 4th annual 'Slidetober Fest' held last October, it's hard to image much of anyone having more fun than them. The Slidetober Fest is "a weekend to celebrate surfing waves and riding bikes, topped off with a blow out party... it’s still all about the fun, with plenty of wiping out, sliding out, and passing out." God bless!

With a weekend full of surf, moto, and friends how could you not have a good time? Add in a few cold brews at the end of a long day of shredding and you've got yourself a party. I don't know about you, but I'm itching for another trip back out to Bali and another visit to the Deus Temple of Enthusiasm. Who's coming with me?!

Surf + moto = recipe for a good time!
