One Shot: Brandon Semenuk's unReal Segment

First and foremost, The Bullitt is a motorcycle blog. Having said that, we motorcyclists share a fundamental common bond with all two-wheel enthusiasts. Sure, while rocking spandex covered in fake sponsor logos and pedaling down PCH on a $10k road bike might not be your thing, but there's no doubt a form of cycling to suit nearly every taste. And cyclist or not, if after watching the video below, you aren't blown away I feel bad for you son!

Brandon Semenuk is widely recognized as the best slopestyle mountain biker in the world, and has just become the first mountain biker to film a full segment in a single continuous shot. You know why he's the first? Because it's hard as hell to film an entire run in a single shot! The amount of coordination and teamwork needed to pull it off is insane! After watching the clip below, make sure to check the "making of" video at the bottom of the page too.

This uninterrupted shot was filmed by the most advanced gyro-stabilized camera system, the GSS C520, mounted to a truck on a custom road built next to a custom trail that took three weeks to build. This true cinematic achievement required perfect coordination between Semenuk, Anthill Films, and TGR with regard to athleticism, planning, timing and logistics.

Injured at the time, Semenuk only hit the full line once...and he nailed it!

Photo above by Sterling Lorence

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To see exactly how this was filmed, check out the "making of" video below:
